The Ratchet Loft was my pride and joy. My first solo apartment and MAN was it ratchet.

We’re talking:

  •  BUGS
  •  And much much more

Initially, I thought the bugs were crickets – which I think are super cute.

Turns out these ones didn’t jump…. And I realized they were baby r o a c h e s.

BUT I trained my kitten to get them, so it was chill.

It was my little greenhaus haven. It faced west (into a uhaul parking lot) so I got TONS of sun and all my plants flourished 🙂 

Also PEEP the chandeliers. I installed them on my own and nearly comatosed during a couple of them.

The BEST part about this place was that both levels were big boxes. Aka unlimited rearrange combos ayooooo. And you betta believe I was re-arranging every other week.

Here are some of my faves:

You might be wondering “What’s with all the speakers?!”. Well, I’m a middle man.

My dad is an audio engineer and collects audio equipment – specifically vintage jewels. 

He sends me on errands to pick stuff up in the Edmonton area. Then, I sell it to other dudes who love the stuff.

But now, I’m hooked on the big speakers <3

These big baddies are called CORNS – aka Cornwalls. 

They were about 2’ x 3’ and weighed over 100 pounds each. The guy I helped carry these out (down three flights of stairs btw) nearly passed away halfway down. #girlswholift

(In case you were wondering what my bedroom looked like)

At some point I also decided to redo the entryway closet. It WAS a simple white sliding door. But after yanking giant screws out of the ground and ceiling and painting the rod black;

this  h a p p e n e d:

Above all, this place was the best studio <3 I’d clear all the furniture, pop some ~ a c i d ~ and just paint for hours. On a few occasions, I left a phat ass paint puddle.

But look at the results!

And even though I woke up MANY homeless people in the stairwells, I still loved this place with my entire heart. 

P L U S, I didn’t need a TV. I had reality TV right outside my balcony. The fights, car fires, garbage jedis, and tweaked-out people were more than enough 🙂

Let's make something weird.

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